Descriptive Text

 Descriptive Text 

Descriptive text is a type of text that aims to describe a person, object, place, or event in detail. 

The purpose of descriptive text is to provide a clear and vivid picture of the subject being described so that the reader can visualize it and gain a better understanding of its characteristics, features, and qualities.

There are 3 topics of descriptive texts:

Describing a Person :  My Hero, My Kind Brother, Jung-Kook, Lisa Black Pink.
Describing a Thing : iPhone 13 Pro Max, My Powerful Laptop, Sketchbook, Epson Printer L310
Describing a Place : Borobudur Temple, Eiffel Tower, Sam Poo Khong.

Descriptive text has two structures, namely identification (introduction) and description (elaboration). Here are the explanations:
  • Identification (introduction)
  • Identification contains an introduction or explanation of the object that will be described. This section is located in the first paragraph. The object can be a person, object, place, or event.
  • Description (elaboration)
  • The description section contains a clear and specific explanation of the characteristics, qualities, habits, or other things related to the object being described. This is the most important thing in the descriptive text.

When we need to describe something, we need adjectives to describe a thing, person, or event. Adjectives used in descriptions are called Opinion Adjective. 

Some adjectives give a specific opinion. Examples :
- Food : tasty, delicious.
- Furniture, building, or room : comfortable, nice, cold, warm, compact, big, large.
- People or animals : clever, intelligent, friendly, cheerful.

We usually put a general opinion in front of a specific opinion. 
Examples :
A nice tasty soup.
A lovely intelligent animal.

We usually put an adjective that gives opinion in front of an adjective. 
Examples :
- That is a nice red dress.
- Those are horrible yellow curains.

We often have two objectives in front of a noun.
Examples :
- A handsome young man.
- A big black car.

We sometimes have three adjectives, but this is unusual.
Examples :
- A nice handsome young man.
- A big black American muscle car.

Adjectives usually come in this order.
General opinion --> Specific opinion --> Size --> Shape --> Age --> Color --> Nationality --> Material --> Other description.

References :

Trisnawati, Widya, S.S., dkk. 2015. SPM Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK/MAK. Jakarta: Erlangga.


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