
The Characteristics of a Descriptive Text

Descriptive text has 4 specific characteristics, which are : It uses simple present tense Descriptive text uses simple present tense to describe a fact or truth that exists in a thing or person. It uses many adjectives Adjectives are used to describe the qualities of an object, person, or animal in a descriptive text. Some common -ed adjectives are normally used only after a link verb. Some of the adjectives are annoyed, finished, bored, pleased, thrilled. The sentence pattern will have to be active.  Examples : The police seems to be annoyed. Contains Relating Verbs Relating verbs are types of verbs that act as connectors between the subject and the descriptive words, such as be, have, seem. Descriptive texts often use relating verbs to connect the subject with its description. Descriptive text only has one focus, which is to describe one object. It describes something in a specific way. It explains the characteristics and the use of something. If it describes a person, it describes t

Descriptive Text

 Descriptive Text  Descriptive text is a type of text that aims to describe a person, object, place, or event in detail.  The purpose of descriptive text is to provide a clear and vivid picture of the subject being described so that the reader can visualize it and gain a better understanding of its characteristics, features, and qualities. There are 3 topics of descriptive texts: Describing a Person :  My Hero, My Kind Brother, Jung-Kook, Lisa Black Pink. Describing a Thing : iPhone 13 Pro Max, My Powerful Laptop, Sketchbook, Epson Printer L310 Describing a Place : Borobudur Temple, Eiffel Tower, Sam Poo Khong. Descriptive text has two structures, namely identification (introduction) and description (elaboration). Here are the explanations: Identification (introduction) Identification contains an introduction or explanation of the object that will be described. This section is located in the first paragraph. The object can be a person, object, place, or event. Description (elaboration)

Narrative Text

  Definition of Narrative Text (Pengertian Teks Narasi) : A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people. Social Function of Narrative text : It is to entertain people so people can enjoy the story. It is to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.  Narratives deal with problematic events which lead to across or turning point of some kind, which in turn to find a resolution. Language Features : Use simple past tense and past continuous tense Use action verbs, linking verbs, and etc Use adjectives to describe people, animals, things, places, or etc Use  adverb of time such as once upon a time, yesterday, etc Use dialogue  Use direct and indirect speech Written as the first person point of view, or third person point of view. Generic Structures : Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan d

Refleksi PPL H1 SMK 4 Negeri Semarang

 Refleksi Pembelajaran PPL H1 SMK 4 Negeri Semarang Refleksi pada pengajaran dan observasi PPL PPG dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di SMK Negeri 4 Semarang : Kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan media pembelajaran Blog sebagai tempat untuk menulis Descriptive text oleh siswa Kelas X DIPB 2 dan X DIPB 3. Guru belum memberikan kegiatan pembukaan apersepsi dan asesmen diagnostik dalam awal kegiatan pembelajaran untuk memetakan kesiapan belajar dan kemampuan belajar siswa. Dengan adanya asesmen diagnostik, guru dapat mengetahui siswa telah memahami materi descriptive text sehingga guru dapat merancang kegiatan pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran diskusi seperti Problem-based Learning dan Project-based Learning. Setelah melakukan kegiatan diagnostik, guru perlu mengelompokkan siswa dan memberikan kegiatan games agar menarik belajar siswa sehingga siswa bersemangat dalam belajar. Dengan adanya diskusi, siswa dapat belajar bekerja sama dengan temannya dan mereka dapat saling bertukar ide/pendapat

Responsible Decision Making

  Responsible Decision Making Mantz dkk., (2016) menjelaskan bahwa social emotional competence memiliki empat aspek yaitu, responsible decision making, relationship skill, self management, dan social awareness. Responsible Decision Making adalah kemampuan menentukan keputusan dan pemecahan masalah yang tepat sesuai moral. Sehinga berpikir rasional sebelum mengambil keputusan dengan tetap mempertimbangkan konsekuensi dari setiap keputusan. Responsible Decision Making berarti memilih untuk melakukan apa yang benar bahkan ketika itu tidak mudah. Dalam responsible decision-making, hal tersebut memerlukan kecerdasan moral untuk menilai baik dan buruknya sesuatu dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip etika, tujuan pribadi, dan konsekuensi dari suatu tindakan. Pentingnya mempelajari Responsible Decision Making adalah dapat menjadikan bekal bagi kita untuk menjadi leadership atau pemimpin. Keterampilan yang terkait dengan Pengambilan Keputusan yang Bertanggung Jawab: ·        Identifika

My First Time Behind the Wheel

 My First Time Behind the Wheel When I was in high school, I went to the big city and saw a lot of nice cars. I wanted to learn to drive from my dad. When I took my first driving lesson, I was very nervous because my father often yelled at me when I did something wrong. I was upset with my dad, and his anger made me lose faith in myself. I didn't like how the petrol and brake pedals made me feel. I almost hit someone on the side of the road when I was learning to drive. I was lucky enough to be able to avoid it, but my father yelled at me even more for being so careless. I told my dad I was sorry for my mistake and that it wouldn't happen again. However, when I tried to park the car, something strange happened. I hit a plant in front of our house, which gave the side of the car a small scratch. My father yelled at me again right away for being careless. He made me feel so bad about myself that I was scared to learn how to drive. When my mother heard about this, she comforted me